Healthcare Reimagined

Payers, Providers & Patients in Alignment & Agreement for the good of all.

A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows ‌
--Francis of Assisi

Today in healthcare, there are too many shadows. Too much unknown. Too much handled in the backrooms of corporations.

Why???? Money!!!

It’s NOT about your health, it’s about the money your insurance will pay for your visit or procedure. Do you want to pay $39,000 for a hysterectomy or $9,000? The difference…only the price of $30,000!

When you hear the word healthcare, what comes to mind?

• Insurance • Hospitals • Expensive • Emergencies • Doctors • Nurses • Coronus Virus

You have a choice!

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or dad, an office assistant, a construction worker, a marketing executive or a CEO, everyone has a choice. ‌We don’t have to stay trapped in the current system. ‌Healthcare, more specifically the traditional way we pay for our healthcare is bankrupting American families. ‌But it doesn’t have to bankrupt you. ‌Join us on this journey to health, transparency, and peace of mind.

Healthcare Professionals

You are an invaluable part of the healthcare ecosystem. And whether you’re a doctor, nurse, administrator, assistant or other caregiver, you represent a noble profession. Unfortunately, in America this profession has been turned into numbers on a financial sheet that too often forgets about the people. If you are looking for an answer to the healthcare dilemma, get in touch with us. If you are looking for an alternative to the current rat race and hamster wheel, you’re on, get in touch with us. If you want to learn about these alternative practice models and how to reach these patients, get in touch with us. If you want to learn more about direct contracts, self-funded employer groups and other direct payers, get in touch with us.


There’s an ever-growing list of advisors, agents, brokers and employee benefit consultants who are discovering the value of a different health insurance model. And even among the “alphabet houses” where cost containment is not necessarily a priority, there are brokers who recognize that the current trajectory of costs for health insurance is unsustainable. Do you want to really make a difference for the companies you serve? Do you want to help the employees who make your client’s business run? Do you want to bend the cost curve for the health insurance and help reduce claims costs? Contact us and let’s begin the dialog.


Are you an employee, a mid-level manager or a member of the C-Suite…no matter your position, you can help. The cost of health insurance has outpaced earnings for a long time. In the last ten years, health insurance premiums have increased 16% more than wages. And this is exacerbated by out-of-pocket expenses as well. Gone are the days of the $500 deductible. Gone are the days of the $3000 max out of pocket. Sure, these plans still exist, but not for the majority of Americans. ‌ 
‌If you want to learn more about how you can 
‌• Have affordable healthcare coverage 
‌‌• Reduce your monthly or annual spending on medical care ‌
‌• Reduce your prescription drug costs • Make health insurance premiums more affordable for your employees 
Contact us…